Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Learning and Living the Gospel: The Holy Ghost

This activity filled the requirement Learning and Living the Gospel #3: Mark these verses about the Holy Ghost in your scriptures: John 14:16–17, 2 Nephi 32:5, and Moroni 10:5. Discuss ways the Holy Ghost helps you. 

We watched some videos from about the Holy Ghost.Each video answered a different question about the Holy Ghost. The girls had worksheets that had each question on it so they could write their thoughts as they watch the corresponding video. We discussed each question and how it could apply to each of us.

 The questions and corresponding video where these:

What does the Holy Ghost Feel Like?

What do you need to do to have the Holy Ghost?

How does the Spirit Send you revelation?

How has the Holy Ghost been a comfort to You?

How does the Holy Ghost Strengthen your Testimony?

After watching the Videos and Discussing each one we did a experiment that related to the Holy Ghost. I stood on a Pop Can that had not been opened yet. That signified being filled with the Holy Ghost. The Pop Can didn't get Crushed because it was full and could with stand the pressure. I then Stood on a Pop Can that was empty but not dented. The Pop Can held me up for a second or two before being Crushed. This signified not having the Holy Ghost with us. We can only take so much pressure before we are crushed if we don't have the holy Ghost. Each Girl got a Pop Can with the Quote "Don't Let adversity Crush you, Stay Filled with the Holy Ghost" on it. We ended the activity encouraging each girl to strive to have the Holy Ghost with them at all times and to listen to the promptings they receive.

Power of the Holy Ghost Worksheet Pdf 

Pop Can Quote PDF