Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Learning and Living the Gospel - Choose the Right

 This activity completed a Learning and Living the Gospel Requirement - Learn to sing “Choose the Right” (Hymns, no. 239). Explain what agency is and what it means to be responsible for your choices. Discuss how making good choices has helped you develop greater faith.

The Lyrics to the song Choose the Right were printed on 8 paper strips and taped around a container containing treats.  The Girls would take turns pulling off a strip of paper and reading there 2 lines of lyrics. We discussed what each meant as we pulled them of and read/sang them. After removing all 8 strips of paper we sang the whole song and were able to open the jar to see what treat was inside. Hi-Chew's were in the jar to remind the girls to 'Chew's' the Right.

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