Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Serving Others - Child Care

This Activity filled the requirement for Serving Others - Entertain young children with songs or games you have learned or made yourself. Show that you know how to care for and protect a young child.

This activity was Simple. We discussed caring for children for the first 25 minutes then took the girls down to the nursery for them to play with our kids. My partner and I have 4 kids between us, ages 1-4 so it worked out well. 

What we discussed:

  • Making sure they have contact information for the parents or someone close. Also making sure a phone is accessible to them since some people don't have home phones. 
  • Focus on the Child/Children you are watching and play with them.
  • If feeding the children hot dogs or grapes, cut them in half long ways and in bite size pieces to avoid choking. 
  • If they will be cooking anything on the stove like Mac 'n' Cheese, be sure to keep the handle turn to the side so the children cant grab it. Using the back burner is also the safest place to cook with small children.
  • If giving baths, never leave children unattended. 
  • Play age appropriate games with the kids like red light green light for 2 and up, peek-a-boo with babies, Duck, Duck, Goose if kids can understand and so on. 

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