After reading the Gospel Standards, I talked to the girls about how Satan tempts with those things that are around us such as music, television, internet, our friends, etc. I told them that Satan uses these things as 'bait' to hook us into committing a sin or doing something we shouldn't. We are all 'fish' in a big pond and Satan keeps casting his hook to see if we will take the 'bait'. If we can remember and follow the Gospel Standards and the commandments, then we will be able to withstand the temptations of Satan; no matter how good the bait looks. I had a tackle box filled with fishing equipment to show that there are many ways to disguise the hook and many different hooks. In the bottom of the tackle box I had a bunch of objects that represented bait Satan could use to tempt us. Each girl took turns choosing an object and sharing how it could be bait. The objects in our tackle box were as follows:
Doll Clothes: Dressing Immodestly
R-rated Movie: Watching inappropriate things
Headphones: Listening to music that had bad lyric or doesn't invite the spirit
Tennis Ball: Playing sports on Sunday, watching sports on TV to often, Poor sportsmanship.
Cell Phone: Spending to much time on our phones, Phones can be used to call our friends but we need to make sure they are good friends.
Tablet: Social Media use, what we look up on the internet.
Watch: How we spend our time, Idle hands are Satan's playground
Book: What we read including magazines
Cup: Eating unhealthy and not taking care of our bodies
Medicine Bottle: Drugs and others prescriptions
Hershey's Kiss and Hug: When they start dating if the kisses and hugs are inappropriate
Once all the objects were out of the tackle box I told the girls that knowing how Satan can help them recognize a temptation easier. Knowing our faults and the Gospel Standards will help us in our daily lives. We played My Gospel Standards Memory game after, which help the girls memorize the Gospel Standards since they were read so many times. In the memory game there are 4 cards that say "Satan has tempted you! What was the bait? What did you do to not take the bait?". If this card was chosen then they would answer the questions and choose 2 other cards to see if they could get a match.
Once Memory was done we read the matches one last to really get them in their heads. We finished the lesson with a fun treat of gummy worms and Swedish fish that had the saying, "I won't take the bait! I will remember My Gospel Standards!".
I printed each page separate and glued them onto cards stock but you can print them on card stock. Make sure in your print settings that print on both sides is selected and to flip on the short side.
Did this with my kids today and it was a hit! Thank you so much!